An Intelligent Middle-ware for Prototyping Intuitive User-Experience in Cars

The thesis focuses on anaylsing and presenting vehicle data in a virtual scenario in near real time.


Current advancements in the field of automotive development has equipped modern day cars with an array of sensors. These sensors which monitor vehicle parameters, generate huge amounts of data which are used by different modules to compute various vehicle situations. These modules deal with different aspects of the car and only work in their particular domains. The thesis provides a comprehensive research on existing technologies and propose a prototype middleware which can connect to these modules, analyze all the available data, compute a virtual reality representation of the real car and its environment and finally visualize it in a virtual reality visualization software in near real-time. This prototype will allow developers to evaluate and rapidly prototype different ideas. The middleware also provides an interface to all the data streams for contextual analysis and allows the developer to extend it to integrate use cases for future user experience development. The thesis research was conducted in Volkswagen AG in Wolfsburg along with the University of Bremen under the supervision of Dr. Prof. Gabriel Zachmann (CGVR - University of Bremen), Dr. Prof. Lawo (TZI - University of Bremen), Dr. Johannes Tuemler (Volkswagen AG), Steven Benkhardt (Volkswagen AG) and Rony Garz (Volkswagen AG).


The result of the thesis is a system which can make sense of the incoming sensor data and drive a virtual reality scenario based on it. The system also provides interface to this data stream for future development.


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