
The driving element behind the idea of TraVis was to help analysing a set of very large plain data tables. TraVis was developed not only to re-simulate a deep sea diving mission, it also displays all data in an easy to read and understandable way. Integrated intelligent 3D-visualizations that are customizable help users to expose important information and makes comparing two or more different subsets of the data easier and faster. The simulated deep sea environment also helps non-experts to understand and analyze missions.

The Mission

To learn more about the mission and the AUV MARUM-SEAL, visit the Website of Marum

The Marum Website

The MARUM is a research group of the university Bremen its area of research are the marine environmental science. More then 70% of our planet is covered with water. It is only natural to assume that the oceans have an huge impact on our life. The seas are filled with many different phenomena from many different topics (physics, biology and chemistry). The goal of the MARUM research group is to improve the understanding of this complex ecosystem. The MARUM examines many different topics. While working on the Travis project we mostly had contact with people which work with an autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV). They try to exactly chart the seafloor with the help of an AUV. While the AUV is underwater it will chart the ground and also capture many more data, like the water temperature or the ocean salinity.

The Institute for Computer Graphics and Virtual Reality

The computer graphics group at University of Bremen carries out fundamental and applied research in visual computing, which comprises computer graphics (i.e., image generation, modeling, simulation, animation, etc.) as well as computer vision (i.e., extracting information out of images, which can be RGB, or depth images, or even other modalities). In addition, we have a long history in research in virtual reality, which draws on methods from computer graphics, HCI, and computer vision. All of the above mentioned fields are based, of course, on diverse other disciplines such as computer science, mathematics, and others.