Class Hierarchy


Index of all Fields and Methods


_parameterPanel. Variable in class .Algorithm
A reference to a peer parameter panel.
_parent. Variable in class .Algorithm
A reference to the parent of this algorithm.


AACircleAlgorithm(AwtFrame, ThreadGroup). Constructor for class .AACircleAlgorithm
Constructs an Antialiased Circle Algorithm object, including the thread that runs it.
AACirclePanel(). Constructor for class .AACirclePanel
Constructs an AACirclePanel.
AALineAlgorithm(AwtFrame, ThreadGroup). Constructor for class .AALineAlgorithm
Constructs an Antialiased Line Algorithm object, including the thread that runs it.
AALinePanel(). Constructor for class .AALinePanel
Constructs an AALinePanel.
action(Event, Object). Method in class .MainApp
Wait for someone to press the "Start" button.
Algorithm(AwtFrame, ThreadGroup, String). Constructor for class .Algorithm
Algorithm superclass constructor.
algorithmName(). Method in class .AACircleAlgorithm
Returns the name of the algorithm in plane text.
algorithmName(). Method in class .AALineAlgorithm
Returns the name of the algorithm in plane text.
algorithmName(). Method in class .Algorithm
Returns the name of the algorithm in plane text - this method must be overriden by a subclass.
algorithmName(). Method in class .CircleAlgorithm
Returns the name of the algorithm in plane text.
algorithmName(). Method in class .LineAlgorithm
Returns the name of the algorithm in plane text.
ARROW_LENGTH. Static variable in class .MainCanvas
ARROW_WIDTH. Static variable in class .MainCanvas
AwtFrame(ThreadGroup). Constructor for class .AwtFrame
Class constructor.


BOARDER. Static variable in class .MainCanvas
breakpoint(int). Method in class .AwtFrame
Writes a message to the status text area when a breakpoint happens.


canvasSizeNotify(). Method in class .ZoomPanel
Called whenever the canvas size is set.
changeMode(int). Method in class .AwtFrame
Changes the message in the info text field based on the new algorithm mode.
CIRCLE_MODE. Static variable in class .MainCanvas
CIRCLE_MODE. Static variable in class .ZoomPanel
CircleAlgorithm(AwtFrame, ThreadGroup). Constructor for class .CircleAlgorithm
Constructs a Midpoint Circle Algorithm object, including the thread that runs it.
CirclePanel(). Constructor for class .CirclePanel
Constructs a CirclePanel.
clearBreakpoint(). Method in class .Algorithm
Clear the algorithm breakpoint.
color. Variable in class .Pixel
create(). Method in class .MainApp
Create the independent "What's In A Line?" applet frame.
create(). Method in class .ZoomPanel
Creates and installs the subcomponents of ZoomPanel.


DRAG_BOTH. Static variable in class .MainCanvas
DRAG_NONE. Static variable in class .MainCanvas
DRAG_P1. Static variable in class .MainCanvas
DRAG_P2. Static variable in class .MainCanvas
drawLine(int, int, int, int). Method in class .MainCanvas
Draw a line a line in the current color in MainCanvas coordinates.
drawPrimitive(Point, Point). Method in class .MainCanvas
Draw a reconing primitive (line or circle) based on the two inputs.
drawPrimitive(Point, Point). Method in class .ZoomPanel
Draw a reconing primitive (line or circle) based on the two inputs.
drawString(String, int, int). Method in class .MainCanvas
Draws the specified string at the specified MainCanvas coordinates.
drawString(String, int, int). Method in class .ZoomPanel
Draws the specified string at the specified MainCanvas coordinates.


FloatTextField(). Constructor for class .FloatTextField


getAACircleValues(Point, Point). Method in class .AACirclePanel
Modifies the given Point parameters with the current value of the circle textfields.
getBreakpoint(). Method in class .MyTextArea
Returns the line number of the selected text if it is the only line that is selected.
getCircleValues(Point, Point). Method in class .CirclePanel
Modifies the given Point parameters with the current value of the circle textfields.
getLineEndPoints(Point, Point). Method in class .AALinePanel
Modifies the given Point parameters with the current value of the line endpoint textfields.
getLineEndPoints(Point, Point). Method in class .LinePanel
Modifies the given Point parameters with the current value of the line endpoint textfields.
getText(). Method in class .AACircleAlgorithm
Returns the text of the algorithm.
getText(). Method in class .AALineAlgorithm
Returns the text of the algorithm.
getText(). Method in class .Algorithm
Returns the text of the algorithm - this method must be overriden by a subclass.
getText(). Method in class .CircleAlgorithm
Returns the text of the algorithm.
getText(). Method in class .LineAlgorithm
Returns the text of the algorithm.
GRAB_RADIUS. Static variable in class .MainCanvas
GRAB_RADIUS. Static variable in class .ZoomPanel


h(int). Method in class .Algorithm
The callback function for each line of algorithm code.
handleEvent(Event). Method in class .AACirclePanel
Process any events associated with the editable fields of this object.
handleEvent(Event). Method in class .AALinePanel
Process any events associated with the editable fields of this object.
handleEvent(Event). Method in class .AwtFrame
Handle all events important to the applet.
handleEvent(Event). Method in class .CirclePanel
Process any events associated with the editable fields of this object.
handleEvent(Event). Method in class .LinePanel
Process any events associated with the editable fields of this object.
handleEvent(Event). Method in class .MainCanvas
Handle the mouse events associated with drawing in the MainCanvas.
handleEvent(Event). Method in class .ZoomPanel
Process the scrollbar events.


init(). Method in class .MainApp
Create the "Start" button that appears in the browser.
IntTextField(). Constructor for class .IntTextField


JOG. Static variable in class .Algorithm
jogPressed(). Method in class .Algorithm
Method to start algorithm execution in jog mode.


LINE_MODE. Static variable in class .MainCanvas
LINE_MODE. Static variable in class .ZoomPanel
LineAlgorithm(AwtFrame, ThreadGroup). Constructor for class .LineAlgorithm
Constructs a Minpoint Line Algorithm object, including the thread that runs it.
LinePanel(). Constructor for class .LinePanel
Constructs a LinePanel.
LOOP. Static variable in class .Algorithm
loopPressed(). Method in class .Algorithm
Method to start algorithm execution in loop mode.


main(String[]). Static method in class .MainApp
Only used when running the applet from the command line.
MainApp(). Constructor for class .MainApp
MainCanvas(AwtFrame). Constructor for class .MainCanvas
Class constructor.
minimumSize(). Method in class .FloatTextField
Returns the minimum size of a floating point text field.
minimumSize(). Method in class .IntTextField
Returns the minimum size of an integer text field.
minimumSize(). Method in class .MainCanvas
Returns the minimum size of MainCanvas.
minimumSize(). Method in class .MyTextArea
Returns the minimum size of MyTextArea.
minimumSize(). Method in class .ZoomPanel
Returns the minimum size of ZoomPanel.
MyCanvas(). Constructor for class .MyCanvas
MyTextArea(). Constructor for class .MyTextArea
Class constructor.
MyTextArea(int, int). Constructor for class .MyTextArea
Class constructor.


paint(Graphics). Method in class .MainCanvas
Paint the canvas including the cartesian coordinates, primitives and any rendered pixels.
paint(Graphics). Method in class .MyCanvas
Paint the canvas and notify the Panel container.
paint(Graphics). Method in class .ZoomPanel
Paints the canvas including the cartesian grid and any rendered pixels.
paintComponents(Graphics). Method in class .ZoomPanel
Paints the subcomponents of this panel.
Pixel(). Constructor for class .Pixel
A default constructor.
Pixel(Point, Color). Constructor for class .Pixel
Construct a new Pixel from the named Point and Color values.
preferredSize(). Method in class .FloatTextField
Returns the preferred size of a floating point text field
preferredSize(). Method in class .IntTextField
Returns the preferred size of an integer text field.
preferredSize(). Method in class .MainCanvas
Returns the preferred size of MainCanvas.
preferredSize(). Method in class .MyTextArea
Returns the preferred size of MyTextArea.
preferredSize(). Method in class .ZoomPanel
Returns the preferred size of ZoomPanel.


redrawPixels(). Method in class .MainCanvas
Redraw all the currently active pixels.
redrawPixels(). Method in class .ZoomPanel
Redraw all the currently active pixels.
reformat(). Method in class .ZoomPanel
Reformats the background grid on the canvas when sizes are changed.
repaint(). Method in class .ZoomPanel
Repaint the canvas.
RESET. Static variable in class .Algorithm
resetDrawing(). Method in class .MainCanvas
Remove all drawn pixels from the MainCanvas.
resetDrawing(). Method in class .ZoomPanel
Remove all drawn pixels from the MainCanvas.
resetDrawings(). Method in class .AwtFrame
Clears the drawings of the MainCanvas and ZoomPanel.
resetParameters(). Method in class .AACircleAlgorithm
Resets the algorithm parameters and notifies the parent of the change.
resetParameters(). Method in class .AALineAlgorithm
Resets the algorithm parameters and notifies the parent of the change.
resetParameters(). Method in class .Algorithm
Resets the algorithm parameters and notifies the parent of the change - this method must be overriden by a subclass.
resetParameters(). Method in class .CircleAlgorithm
Resets the algorithm parameters and notifies the parent of the change.
resetParameters(). Method in class .LineAlgorithm
Resets the algorithm parameters and notifies the parent of the change.
resetPressed(). Method in class .Algorithm
Method to reset the algorithm and all its parameters.
reshape(int, int, int, int). Method in class .MyCanvas
Notify the Panel container that the size of this canvas has changed.
resize(Dimension). Method in class .MyCanvas
Notify the Panel container that the size of this canvas has changed.
resize(int, int). Method in class .MyCanvas
Notify the Panel container that the size of this canvas has changed.
RUN. Static variable in class .Algorithm
run(). Method in class .Algorithm
Overridden Thread function that starts the thread, not to be confused with running the algorithm itself.
runPressed(). Method in class .Algorithm
Method to start algorithm execution.


select(int). Method in class .AwtFrame
Select the given line number in the frame's code window.
selectLine(int). Method in class .MyTextArea
Select the appropriate line of text based on the given line number.
setBreakpoint(int). Method in class .Algorithm
Set the algorithm breakpoint at the line number specified by the parameter.
setCircleMode(). Method in class .MainCanvas
Set the primitive drawing mode to CIRCLE_MODE.
setCircleMode(). Method in class .ZoomPanel
Set the primitive drawing mode to CIRCLE_MODE.
setCircleValues(Point, Point). Method in class .AACirclePanel
Update the center and radius text fields of this object.
setCircleValues(Point, Point). Method in class .AwtFrame
Coordinate setting the circle parameters between the various components.
setCircleValues(Point, Point). Method in class .CirclePanel
Update the center and radius text fields of this object.
setCircleValues(Point, Point). Method in class .MainCanvas
Set circle parameters c (center) and r (radius) in CIRCLE_MODE.
setCircleValues(Point, Point). Method in class .ZoomPanel
Set circle parameters c (center) and r (radius) in CIRCLE_MODE.
setLineEndPoints(Point, Point). Method in class .AALinePanel
Update the two endpoints text fields in this object.
setLineEndPoints(Point, Point). Method in class .AwtFrame
Coordinate the setting of the line endpoints between the various components.
setLineEndPoints(Point, Point). Method in class .LinePanel
Update the two endpoints text fields in this object.
setLineEndPoints(Point, Point). Method in class .MainCanvas
Set the line endpoints p1 and p2 in LINE_MODE.
setLineEndPoints(Point, Point). Method in class .ZoomPanel
Set the line endpoints p1 and p2 in LINE_MODE.
setLineMode(). Method in class .MainCanvas
Set the primitive drawing mode to LINE_MODE.
setLineMode(). Method in class .ZoomPanel
Set the primitive drawing mode to LINE_MODE.
setRes(int). Method in class .ZoomPanel
Set the pixel resolution size.
setText(String). Method in class .MyTextArea
Generates a list of line nubmers associated with the stream of text getting placed in the TextArea.
STEP. Static variable in class .Algorithm
stepPressed(). Method in class .Algorithm
Method for executing a single algorithm instruction.
STOP. Static variable in class .Algorithm
stopPressed(). Method in class .Algorithm
Method to stop algorithm execution.


theAlgorithm(). Method in class .AACircleAlgorithm
Generic interface to start the algorithm.
theAlgorithm(). Method in class .AALineAlgorithm
Generic interface to start the algorithm.
theAlgorithm(). Method in class .Algorithm
A call to execute the algorithm - this method must be overriden by a subclass.
theAlgorithm(). Method in class .CircleAlgorithm
Generic interface to start the algorithm.
theAlgorithm(). Method in class .LineAlgorithm
Generic interface to start the algorithm.
theAlgorithm(int, int, int). Method in class .CircleAlgorithm
Private interface to the algorithm which includes specific paramters.
theAlgorithm(int, int, int, int). Method in class .LineAlgorithm
Private interface to the algorithm which includes specific paramters.


update(). Method in class .AACircleAlgorithm
Update the peer parameter panel with new algorithm values.
update(). Method in class .AALineAlgorithm
Update the peer parameter panel with new algorithm values.
update(). Method in class .Algorithm
Updates the parent component with the available algorithm parameters - this method must be overriden by a subclass.
update(). Method in class .CircleAlgorithm
Update the peer parameter panel with new algorithm values.
update(). Method in class .LineAlgorithm
Update the peer parameter panel with new algorithm values.
update(Graphics). Method in class .ZoomPanel
Overrides the superclass paint() to eliminate clearing the canvas before repainting.
update(int, int, int). Method in class .AACirclePanel
Updates the non-editable parameter fields of this object.
update(int, int, int). Method in class .CirclePanel
Updates the non-editable parameter fields of this object.
update(int, int, int, int, int, int, int). Method in class .LinePanel
Updates the non-editable parameter fields of this object.
update(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, double, double). Method in class .AALinePanel
Updates the non-editable parameter fields of this object.


WritePixel(int, int). Method in class .Algorithm
Writes a black pixel at the specified location.
WritePixel(int, int, boolean). Method in class .Algorithm
Writes a black pixel at the specified location.
WritePixel(int, int, float). Method in class .Algorithm
Writes a pixel of the normalized intensity with respect to the background color.
WritePixel(int, int, float, boolean). Method in class .Algorithm
Writes a pixel of the normalized intensity with respect to the background color.
writePixel(Point, float). Method in class .MainCanvas
Write a pixel of the specified color at the specified location.
writePixel(Point, float, boolean). Method in class .AwtFrame
Writes a pixel of the specified color at the specifiec location both in the Main and Zoom canvases.
writePixel(Point, float, boolean). Method in class .ZoomPanel
Write a pixel of the specified color at the specified location.


ZoomPanel(). Constructor for class .ZoomPanel
Construct a ZoomPanel.