Generate Buffers and Pointer Representations...

(For meshes with many triangles, this process will take several seconds)
DCEL Data Structure Visualization

This WebApp serves to illustrate the DCEL data structure (doubly-connected edge list). This will allow you to view the available pointers of individual vertices, halfedges, and faces, or display animations for a selected element that show how to access adjacent elements.

• Click on an element → Select.
• Click on empty space → Deselect.
• Drag the screen → Rotate mesh.
• Mouse wheel / pinch → Zoom in / out.

In the upper right corner you can select different 3D meshes and load your own OBJ files. Directly below, in the section "Current Selection", available pointers of the selected element are shown, which are also visible in the 3D display while the particular link is hovered. In addition, various animations can be started here.

Among other things, the "Settings" section offers the option of selecting a different controller if you feel that control over the virtual trackball is unintuitive.

Select Model:

Current Selection:

Independent Study by Andre Mühlenbrock.
This WebApp uses twgl.js - License Notice
© Institute for Computer Graphics and Virtual Reality at the University of Bremen, 2018.